Tabletop Decor for the Holidays

I can’t believe we’re here people - the holidays are among us, and this is always where the year just flies by. This is going to be a very interesting year to navigate as far as family get togethers’ go and COVID, so I just want to start by saying my heart goes out to any of those who can’t see their family this year, and to those struggling with HOW the heck to go about the holidays with pandemic-stress on the mind.

With that being said, we couldn’t help but think about tabletop decor for the holidays and sprucing up our dining space whether we’re eating with family, loved ones, roommates, cats, dogs, yourself - some table jewelry is bound to spice up your life. I know you’ve heard me rant and rave about the power of good styling and decor - and I can’t stress the importance of this enough - especially when it comes to the very sacred dining table! Sitting down and eating ANY meal should be a celebration, a moment of gratitude, a time in the day where you’re nurturing your body and what you put in it. So why not make your table look pretty while you’re at it? We’re rounding up some of our favorite tabletop decor picks and linking below so you can spruce up your dining table for the holidays. Enjoy!

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