Winter Solstice Ft. Astrologer Janet Carrol

Hello people!

We are less than TWO weeks away from the end of 2020, but who’s counting anyways, right? What better way to round out the year than with some astrological wisdom from none other than our go-to astrologer, Janet Carrol. We are always so excited to hear from Janet, she’s basically a warm hug. And if you didn’t know tomorrow is the WINTER SOLSTICE - and solstices are a big deal around here. We have a real juicy giveaway we’ll be posting about on IG tomorrow, you won’t want to miss that. In the meantime, read on below for some questions to journal about over the next few weeks, the winter solstice, whats going on in the skies, and how to round out this wild year.

“Seasons greetings! As we head towards the longest night of the year in North America are you wondering where 2020 has gone or thrilled that it’s nearly in the rear view mirror? Thinking back to last year, as we were preparing for the holiday season with all the festivities, could we have ever imagined that some of our common verbiage would include ‘pandemic’, ‘lockdown’, ‘Zoom fatigue’, ‘essential’ (workers), social distancing’, ‘toilet paper shortages’ ‘Karen’ or that we’d question the authenticity of our media sources? What a year it’s been! 

The Winter Solstice on December 21, 2020 at 3:02 am PST (5:02 am EST) (1) (2) once again marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This year our individual, family and societal priorities have shifted massively whether we eased into these changes or were forced into them.  This Winter Solstice is different in that it is marked by the ‘great conjunction’ (3) of the planets Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in our night sky - so take that night time walk and look up as you’ll see them clearly. These two planets won’t meet again in this same place in the sky for another 200 years. We can expect some great technological and scientific innovations in years to come, but we also have to recognize there will be limits (Saturn) to our cities, states, and countries opening back up fully (Jupiter) as is evident by the cities, states and countries that are back in or will once again be in lockdown in the new year.

How do we round out this year?

As individuals, between the solstice and the new year is a great moment in time to assess our authenticity, not because of the things we’ve done to date in our lives but because of the things that we each are. We’ve all had to show respect for each other through our commitments in 2020 and these commitments were forced to change from prior years. Are you listening to your own voice or are you falling for things that seem to control you? What about your own moral center? Do you need to realign with it? 

In the year ahead, and for sometime beyond, our focus will shift to our local communities - as in our local environment, city or town. So how will you combine your passions and strengths, in person or via social networking, to build locally versus teardown? Our local communities have shifted dramatically and they will need each and every one of us in 2021.”

Janet Carrol, MA:

Native Californian, 32 year resident of Carlsbad/Rancho Santa Fe, now residing in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can follow Janet at @thecelestialspheres @janetcarrol or reach her at

Sources: (1) (2) (3)


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