A Look at The Print Shop

Hello there party people! I should say, non-party-people if we’re being real here. It feels we’re very much still in a continuation of 2020, BUT I feel strongly we are in the process of turning a new leaf (covid, looking at systemic racism, addressing environmental issues, a new president, all the things) and while it might feel icky and hard, (I hope) we’re doin’ the damn thing. To those out there getting up everyday, still washing your hands, still wearing a mask, being kind to others, and kind to yourself - you’re killing it. Keep on’ keeping on’, the world needs that right now.

On the blog this week, we are chatting all things The Print Shop. We launched this sweet online shop just before the holidays, and haven’t had a chance to chat about it on the blog so here we are. The Print Shop is a curated collection of original film photos taken by my sweet love, Attila, AKA Tilla. These dreamy shots were taken all over the globe over the last few years (back when we could travel the globe) and I found myself constantly thinking about incorporating them as framed art into my own residential projects. After toying with the idea for almost a year, we launched The Print Shop online so you could have a little slice of our vibe in your own space. We have a whole lot in the works right now and can’t wait to share more installation shots of these photos framed in some beautiful homes. Lastly, we are SO excited to be contributing 10% of The Print Shop proceeds each month to a different organization aligning with all ^ said things above. We kicked off this new initiative in January first donating to The Bail Project, and in February we will be donating proceeds to Blessings in a Backpack - an organization that mobilizes communities, individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends for elementary school children across America who might otherwise go hungry. Treat yourself, elevate your space, and give back. Here are a few of our all-time favorite prints at the moment, and a link to our print shop below.

Shop The Print Shop here, you won’t regret it.