Winter Solstice ft. Astrologer Janet Carrol

Hello & happy WINTER SOLSTICE!!! We’re back this week with our go-to astrologer Janet Carrol on the winter solstice this year, and boy is it a juicy one. Kind of heavy, kind of juicy, lots of wisdom (as always) and opportunity for reflection. Which we’re a big big fan of around here. We have a real dreamy giveaway you won’t want to miss- head to our IG for more on that and be sure to enter!! For now, enjoy this end of year wisdom and a big THANK YOU to Janet for always dropping some knowledge on us.

Solstice Interiors Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere was on Tuesday, 21 December at 7:59 am PT (10:59 am ET) ( It is the astronomical moment when the Sun reaches the Tropic of Capricorn and we have our shortest day and longest night of the year in terms of daylight. Regardless of what the weather is doing outside of our homes, this marks the official start of winter. 

You may recall that the term ‘solstice’ comes from the Latin word for sol (Sun) and sistere (to stand still), because during the solstice the angle between the Sun’s rays and the plane of the Earth's equator (called declination) appears to stand still. What exactly does this mean? At the winter solstice the Sun appears low in the sky and its noontime elevation seems to stay the same for several days before and after the winter solstice. The Sun’s gradual decrease in the sky reverses upon the winter solstice, marking what many cultures in ancient times believed to be the ‘rebirth’ of the Sun as the hours of daylight become longer. Being the longest night of the year, the Winter Solstice has played a huge role in cultures worldwide from ancient times to today. All are centered in traditions, festivals or festivities, celebrations and feasting. It’s been thought to be a time of death and rebirth when souls are renewed as it marks a moment in time when the old Sun dies and the Sun of the New Year is born. 

This Winter Solstice follows the full moon on December 18th when the Sun was at the Galactic Center in Sagittarius and the Moon opposed it across the sky in Gemini, the sign of choices, raising questions of: Do I take ‘this path’ or do I ‘trust faith’? Naturally, this is evidenced in the world: Have we taken a path driven by fear or have we taken the other path driven by love? Which makes us feel invisible, or like we’re stepping off a cliff? What are we doing on trust? What are we doing on belief? What about following our heart, following love? And where might that lead us? These are some of the expansive energies the full moon has left us.

As the Sun tips into Capricorn for the Winter Solstice the energies of the full moon are still very strong. They highlight the future and our vision along with strong themes around human rights. The Moon at the Winter Solstice highlights tensions and, for instance, some obsessive energies around attempts for greater control, rules, regulations, and safety. Where in our lives do we need to stop fooling ourselves? Are we being fooled? Certain revelations could be coming to light in our personal lives over the next few months. As we head into 2022 this Winter Solstice is pivotal as it’s the collapsing of the old (2020 & 2021) and the cleansing and purging for a new cycle to come. There’s a tidal wave of monumental energies about to carry us forward: Can you ride a surfboard? 

This is a good time to look at our choices. It’s time to question them. Are we, as individuals, choosing to live in fear, or choosing to live in love? Do we choose our own narrative or follow the narrative of external forces? What about last year’s truth versus this year's truth? What do we believe to be true today? It’s important to ponder this about our previous belief systems and current belief systems as what may have worked previously may not work for us today. It’s OK to change our mind. It's important to have principles and by looking at them now we will all recognize what worked for us five years ago, or even five months ago maybe doesn't work for us right now. And that’s OK. And what about our choices? Are they sourced internally or are they driven by external sources? Can we work with our internal energies in the outside world? Or do we choose to let the external energies drive our internal energies? Emotional energies are running high - but how will we each use these energies? This is what’s at stake for us individually. 

It’s daunting, but it’s exciting and it’s an opportunity for us all to grasp what we do. What do we choose for ourselves? Insights, flashes of inspiration … brilliant and original ideas will carry us through. How transparent are we? How high is our integrity? It’s time to shift our inner authority and operate from this place. The longer we hang out in the past we’re delaying our own growth. Look at creating the new … taking an alternative path … one that resonates with your inner authority. How does one ride these waves? We do this by truly letting go of what no longer serves us. The Winter Solstice is about the old falling away to begin anew. It’s a time to cleanse, purge and clear the slate to move into a new space, or simply to move forward in 2022. 

May your path be filled with peace, joy and endless blessings now and throughout the New Year!   

Janet Carrol, MA:

Native Californian, 32 year resident of Carlsbad/Rancho Santa Fe, now residing in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can reach her at: @janetcarrol @thecelestialspheres