Summer Solstice Ft. Astrologer Janet Carrol

Hello & happy-belated-Summer Solstice!!!!

We’re back this week with a little insight from our go-to astrologer, Janet Carrol, touching on the Summer Solstice and a mood board to get inspired for the months ahead. Nothing like a mid-year astro-check in with the self, and Janet encourages just that. I’ll let Janet and her wisdom take the lead here- enjoy this slice of insight, guidance, and inspiration to reflect below.

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Summer Solstice 2021

“The June solstice, aka the Summer Solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere occurs when the Sun travels along its path on the northernmost point in the sky, as it enters the tropical zodiac sign of Cancer. It’s when we in the Northern Hemisphere receive sunlight at the most direct angle of the entire year which results in the longest day and shortest night of our calendar year (source). The summer solstice is on June 20th at 8:32 pm PDT/11:32 pm EDT which just so happens to fall on Father’s Day this year. 

This is a wonderful time, using the Cancerian archetypes of the home, traditions, family, security, psychological roots, sensitivities, nurturing and food, to also consider gardening and decorating the home with house plants and flowers. It’s a time of renewal that stimulates growth and cultivates good vibes. With all seasonal changes, we bring in fresh foods that are either growing in our gardens or in the fields. In essence, we naturally embrace the diversity made available to us which aligns us harmoniously with the natural world. There’s a rhythm in life - the changing of patterns - in the balance of the multifaceted needs of simply being a human being including the abundance from the natural world. So, how do we relate to food? How do we feed our bodies? What about our minds? Our emotions? Are we nurturing them? Or perhaps denying some uncomfortable truths? Are we in harmony with just ourselves, or in relationship with others? 

Harmony, friendliness and community are all the greatest. It’s not a time of ‘I am’ but of ‘I belong’,’I share’, ‘I participate’ … living harmoniously with others even within diversity. We are all a part of a whole, and instead of thinking of ‘us’ and ‘them’, we really are and always will be ‘we’. Through the perspectives of ‘harmony’ we can reflect on our relatedness and relationships. Being with others, we are made aware that our ways of being, our practices, our values and our worldviews are always situated in our histories, memories, collective wounds, religious teachings, cultural traditions, communal journeys and so on. Harmony, like peace, also contains and holds tensions, differences and contradictions, but peace does not rule out contradictions. In reality, tension, differences and conflict are essential to human life because without encountering differences there would be little dialogue, innovation or transformation. 

This is a fabulous time for us to ponder our relationship with all that is without losing sight of goodness, beauty and truth … and to appreciate the warm months ahead!”

Janet Carrol, MA:

Native Californian, 32 year resident of Carlsbad/Rancho Santa Fe, now residing in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can reach her at: @janetcarrol @thecelestialspheres

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