Fall Equinox Ft. Astrologer Janet Carrol

Hello & happy almost October and Mercury Retrograde, folks!

Woah nelly, we took a MAJOR hiatus from the blog for the last three months, kind of unplanned and kind of unannounced, for no reason other than life has been BUSY and sometimes, you can’t do it all! If you follow along on IG you’ll know my S.O. and his bro are opening up one sweet surf/ smoothie/art shop in the heart of Bird Rock (hi, Hermosa Surf!) where I’ll also have my very own, very mini, very mighty, first design studio in back. WHAT IS LIFE! So you can say I’ve been a bit pre-occupied between that and managing a full-client load. When life gets hectic I’ve learned to reassess whats on my plate and choose what I can put down for a hot sec, and the blog was just that. We’re also currently working with the lovely Grandview Collective on a top secret web refresh so get ready for a whole new blog experience pretty soon here. It feels GOOD to be back and what better way to dive back into the blog but with our go-to lady and astrologer, Janet Carrol? As my friends & I like to say, shes like a big warm hug but with a firm message at the same time. And I think we could all use that every once in a while. We’ve whipped up a dreamy fall-inspired mood board for the season ahead to inspire you and plant some ideas for decor that you’ll never want to put away. Enjoy these nuggets of astro wisdom from Janet!

“This is a wonderful time for each of us to invite in and begin to imagine a future from an optimistic point of view in which we each create balance and love within ourselves, within our relationships, within our communities, within our country, within our world… versus attaching or grasping onto fear.”

- Janet Carrol

Fall Equinox: Treasuring the Changes

“Can you feel it? As we sit here, it’s 88* outside but a tinge of Fall can be found in the late evening or early morning hours. Our Fall, or Autumnal, Equinox fell on Wednesday, September 22 at 12:21 PDT/3:21 pm EDT in the Northern hemisphere (in the Southern hemisphere, for instance, Australia is transitioning into Summer). The Fall Equinox is when the Sun moves into the tropical zodiac sign of Libra which by the way is the only constellation in the sky that is an object: the scales of balance. ‘Equinox’ refers to balance as it’s when our day and night are roughly equal at the equator and is also a term for ‘transition’ as we’re transitioning from Summer into Fall.  

Archetypally with the Libra ingress every year we’ll feel the pull to focus more on our relationships and what we want to experience with other people. The themes around the ingresses (Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice) are often with us for ninety days until the next ingress.This year though, our focus will likely be centered around balance, harmony (a continued theme from the Summer Solstice), diplomacy within diversity and tact - all of which may very well be heightened even more so than just within our personal relationships. For some, it might even be difficult to imagine balance within these ‘turbulent times’. 

As we step into Fall, whether you know where the planets are or not in the sky, several outer planets are retrograde from our perspective on earth (outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). It’s about the connections between ourselves and the much larger ‘whole’. So how have we bound up our personal lives within the world’s bigger issues and themes? While It may seem simple, the choices we make affect the whole while the choices of others affect us. Actions and choices have consequences and ultimately aren’t we each responsible for our own actions and choices? 

This Libra ingress offers us an opportunity to to step back, be impersonal and use an intellectual framework for viewing and participating in all of our relationships. It’s a more ‘detached’ perspective which helps us to see others as equals, friends and even fellow human beings, that can apply some logic and diplomacy in all of our interactions. It’s being able to give our friends, colleagues and loved ones the same latitude that we’d like them to give us. Personally, it’s a good time to grow and expand our friendship groups in some fun and interesting ways … but be ready for some unexpected changes! 

We are each members of a community whether we’re actively participating or not. This is a wonderful time for each of us to invite in and begin to imagine a future from an optimistic point of view in which we each create balance and love within ourselves, within our relationships, within our communities, within our country, within our world ... versus attaching or grasping onto fear. Step outside, observe and listen to nature because she is our most important teacher as we transition into seasons of change ... Happy Fall Equinox!”

Janet Carrol, MA:

Native Californian, 32 year resident of Carlsbad/Rancho Santa Fe, now residing in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can reach her at: thecelestialspheres@gmail.com @janetcarrol @thecelestialspheres