Meet Coree Costa of The Juiciest Fruit

Hello & happy Monday!

I am SO excited to pivot from interiors today to introduce you to a major source of wisdom and all around lovely human I had the pleasure of connecting with a few years ago - Coree Costa of The Juiciest Fruit. In my brief chat with Coree surrounding nutrition in the New Year and approachable tips, I gathered SO much and felt so inspired to really take a deep look at what my day-to-day looks like as far as taking care of myself and what I put in my body - and I hope this inspires you, too! Before we dive in, I wanted to share a quick bit about Coree (stolen from her website where you can book your own consultation!)

“I am an Integrative Health Coach, certified through the New York based Institute of Integrative Nutrition. My degree from CSU Chico is in History with a focus in Social Sciences. My insatiable curiosity has crafted my career, consulting clients by digging down to the root of their nutritional needs. As we each learn to commit to a lifestyle of conscious intentions, we are more capable of letting go of that which no longer serves us. I coach clients on how to vote with their plates, advocating for local, seasonal, organic, nutrient dense foods to better support the community and world at large.”

What is something you feel is important to talk about with new clients surrounding nutrition?

Intention vs "goals". Goals are often lofty and seemingly distant, intention is NOW, something that we do with every choice we make. Once we've established our goal we can lace every decision we make with the intention it will require to reach it. Will this "x, y, z" bring me closer to my goal? Intentions to be healthier are easier with less rules, having an underlying reason is more powerful than "should I eat this or that", it allows us to form a lifestyle opposed to something that has a set amount if time.

How would you break down lifestyle vs "diet"?

When a client comes to me for a meal plan, they're often looking for a quick fix, what many call "a diet", my objective is quite the opposite. As a Wellness Consultant I guide clients to consume predominately whole foods and then there's little need for "rules". When our body does require rules due to digestive issues or DIS-ease, an Elimination process to determine food sensitivities is extremely effective and then forms the basis for a path of healing. If you want the quickest fix, take processed sugar out of your "diet", your entire life will change in less than a week, I promise.

Gut health - what it means? Signs that something is off?

Our gut is our 2nd brain, what's going on in the digestive tract is indicative of overall wellbeing. If the foods we choose aren't NUTRIENT DENSE, we're not giving our body a chance to thrive. Most symptoms that arise can be related to deficiencies in micronutrients, my goal through Consulting is to educate clients on how to use food as the medicine that heals and prevents DIS-ease, I call it "loving your guts". The Detoxification Pathways in our body are one of our surest paths to diagnosis: Gall Bladder, Urine, Bowel Movements, Bile, & Kidneys. Get familiar with what's going on in your innards to better understand your symptoms, referencing the Bristol Poop Chart is a great place to start. The more curious and conscious we are about our own little Universe (our body) the more effective the energy we put into "Self Care" can become.


1. Something fermented

2. Micro greens

3. 3 seasonal veggies

4. Bone broth

5. Mushrooms

6. Avocado oil

7. Spices

Are you ready to bust into your kitchen and make some healthy choices or what? Head to Coree’s site to book a consultation here - I’ll actually be doing this same thing next month and can’t wait to share my findings and what any next steps will look like for me personally. And if you still need an extra kick or source of inspiration - we’ve rounded up some real sweet kitchen goodies to play with as you start to explore your own version of a healthier YOU this year.


Yummiest Kitchen Goodies.001.jpeg