Scandinavian Beach House Vibes

Today on the blog we’re taking some time to get inspired. I listened to my all-time favorite podcast this week, That’s So Retrograde, and they had Teneshia J. Warner on the show, author of The Big Stretch, to talk about having a dream and the steps one should take to bring that vision to life. One takeaway for me that I wanted to touch on was about our ‘dreaming’ phase and how we can cut ourselves off too quickly with the whats, the buts, and the hows. We get these ideas in our head that are so exciting and such a big way of thinking for our future, and instantly cut ourselves off trying to be realistic and end up closing a door that wasn’t even opened yet. So here I am, taking a break from the work (that I am lucky enough to love so much) and jumping into some fun, playful, quality dreaming time. We have a few new projects in the works and I always love the beginning phase where we gather inspiration from a range of sources and start to hone in on general concepts. Which brings me to this beaut of a mood board below - inspired by all things Scandinavian, pastels, and modern beach house vibes. Links below in case you want to treat yourself to some goodies.

