Astrologer Janet Carrol, the Spring Equinox, & Staying Motivated in Isolation

Hey there people!

I hope you’re all hanging in there this week. It’s a tough time for a lot of people and I would like to try and shift the focus in this blog post for those needing some light. I’m really excited to have the wonderful Janet Carrol back on the blog this week going over the Spring equinox and bringing some really important questions to the table for us to ponder as we get adjusted to this extra time at home. At the end of this post we put together a little moment of zen just for you to incorporate anywhere in your home. Now more than ever we need to stay motivated during these times of isolation and I think creating an oasis wherever you can is so important. Enjoy this breath of fresh air from Janet, I know we all need it!


Astrologer Janet Carrol on the Spring Equinox

“The Vernal or Spring Equinox late on March 19th signaled the beginning of spring here in the Northern Hemisphere. The last time the Spring Equinox occurred so early in March was 124 years ago! ‘Equinox’ is the Latin word for ‘equal day’ so it is fitting that Spring is just around the corner. Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring brings earlier sunrises and later sunsets as our days and nights become balanced (All You Need to Know about the March Equinox).

The Spring Equinox marks the Sun at 0 degrees Aries ingress in the tropical zodiac. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the starting point for the next yearly cycle and the start of the astrological new year. Anything that begins when the Sun enters Aries has great staying power. It’s like having some wind at your back, pushing you onward as you set new intentions, focus on your goals, undertake a discipline or begin projects. Spring, itself, is about growth and easing into the light. It’s a time of new crops, new ideas, fertility and longer days. Ultimately it's a time of new beginnings. Historically, many cultures have had festivals to celebrate the arrival of Spring but, due to COVID-19, they have been canceled. This year we find ourselves having to rearrange our collective structures, redefine our priorities, focus on what is right in front of us and make the well-being of everyone's health a priority. 

As the Sun enters Aries we are infused with vitality. On March 24th we’ll have a New Moon in Aries furthering this theme for the next 30 days. Aries is the adventurer, it’s the first spark of light, it’s our enthusiasm and our motivation to begin anew. Aries energy wants us to move. How are you moving now to exercise your body in our current climate of ‘isolation’? How can we be activists in our own lives and in the lives of others? Right now, we are being called upon to rely on ourselves. How can we be proactive this next month in our own lives? Where can you implement courage even when under restrictions? What can you put your energies into? Where can you channel your energies? Being isolated also means we have to take our own health and fitness into our own hands. How can you be innovative with your health? What new fresh starts should you implement? These are all questions to ask in the coming weeks. Stuck at home? It’s a good time to re-arrange, re-organize and re-decorate your environment. Want to implement something innovative into your health routine? Checkout all the online options for meditation and yoga that are available to us at this time.”

Janet Carrol, MA:
Native Californian, 32 year resident of Carlsbad/ Rancho Santa Fe, now residing in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can reach Janet at
