How You Can Help Small Businesses During COVID (& some of Our Favorites!)

Hey peeps! How’s everyone doing out there? It is a weird world out there and personally I’m flip-flopping daily on feeling totally fine and stressing the F out. Seeing people and friends start to lose their jobs, small businesses I love closing down, and just the overall feeling of hardship as a collective is a lot right now. All we can do is stay the heck inside, watch some Netflix, and take care of ourselves to protect those at higher risk and our loved ones. I really feel amidst all of the scary parts of whats going on, this time was meant for us to really slow down in so many ways. It’s a time gifted to us to be at home, make healthy meals, write in a journal, maybe work a little less, or read a book! Moral of the story: we all need to slow down a bit. I know I more often than not feel like there isn’t enough time in the day so I always try to shift back to looking at this time as a gift and think that really helps keep me grounded. Any who, I’m here to shed some light on how we can support some of my all-time favorite people and businesses during this time because they need our support now more than ever. From online workouts to hard kombucha delivered to your doorstep, we’ve got you covered.


Melissa Wood Health: I mentioned MWH on my IG this week - not only does she have online low-intensity workouts (that very much kick your butt), she also has some amazing guided meditation videos. What I love most about MWH is the accessibility of these videos and how easy it is to find TEN minutes in a day to move your body or breathe. It’s so important to do this all the time, and especially now as we’re all cooped up and probably sitting more than usual. Enjoy!

Yoga with Fallon Lev: Fallon is one of my all-time favorite yoga teachers I was lucky enough to find at Yoga Six a few years ago. Yoga has been something important to me as it always forces you to go within and step out of your head for a bit. Fallon’s class was seriously a treat if I could make it in time and we all could use a treat right now, right?! :) With yoga studios obviously being closed, Fallon is now leading donation-based classes daily M-F so you can get your stretch and flow on from your mat at home. Head to her IG for more info. P.S. She has a super handsome pup named Jimmy and he will most likely make an appearance during the flow - so get ready to see one sweet boy.


Leo: As you all know this space and Jina (the owner) are near and dear to my heart. This is such a special place - so dedicated to creating an oasis for some self-care and I wish so badly we could all treat ourselves to a trip to Leo during this stressful time. Jina also co-owns Liv3, a women’s clothing boutique in San Marcos, with her two sisters so I wanted to link to another small business that could use your support! Get some e-gift cards and get ready to pamper yourself when businesses are able to open their doors again, all the while helping small business owners out when they need it most.


Clay + Craft: This is a local ceramicist we’ve had the pleasure of working with and want to highlight. I know we’re all nesting in our homes right now and wanting our spaces to feel refreshed since we’re in them so much, so check out their ceramics and bring a new slice of beauty into your space.

Mineralogy: I just recently starting working with Theresa, the owner of Mineralogy, to revamp her storefront - so it has been so crazy to be there one second and watch the space have to close down shortly after. If you really want to treat yourself - feast your eyes on some BEAUTIFUL pieces and support Mineralogy while their storefront is closed. Follow them on IG and show them some love - a little goes a long ways!

Wild Dove: A local boutique with the cutest threads out there! We’ve also been working with Wild Dove on their second location opening this year, so it’s been hard to watch their first shop have to close during this time. Rachel (owner of Wild Dove) will be posting try-on videos weekly to show new pretty arrivals available for purchase online. Again - treat yo’self!!! (anyone else love that episode of The Office??)


Wayfarer Bread: I know you’ve heard me rant about my love for Wayfarer before.. those breakfast sandwiches, any scones, any cookies, pizza night… oh how I miss them!!! Another local spot I already miss dearly. They are still baking bread and delivery weekly to Chino Farms, The Fishery, and Royale - but if you love them as much as I do and you’re looking for a way to help while they’re closed there is a Go Fund Me to support staff during the closure. Linking to that here!

The Plot: This restaurant we just had the pleasure of designing and working with the MOST wonderful humans on is now closed after one busy first month open for business. Luckily they’re still able to offer takeaway so please order in, nourish your bod with some plants, and support a local small business in the mean time. Try the meatless loaf it is out of this world - I dare you!!


Beaming: Get your juice on stay healthy! Beaming is one of my favorite places to go to when I’m driving all over San Diego each week. They’re offering free local delivery and 15% off if you order $100 or more. Lets be real we could all use a little less wine and a little more green juice. Or is that just me??

JuneShine: Now I know I just said we could probably use a little less wine and a little more green juice… but hard kombucha delivered to your doorstep?! COME ON! Plus, as we noted JuneShine will be donating $1 to the US Bartenders Guild Emergency Assistance Program for every order placed - so you can drink up and know you’re supporting others in the meantime. As if you needed an excuse..

If you’ve read this far - holy cow, thank you! I wanted to add one last note to this post - supporting these businesses doesn’t always mean actually buying something - follow them on Instagram, repost their products and share them with friends to spread awareness of the brand. There is SO much we can do to help small businesses during this time so I encourage you to look into those people and brands you love most and support them in some way you can. We are all in this together!