The Quarantine Cozies

Hello hello people!

This week on the blog (and IRL) we’re keeping it simple and focusing on relaxation and getting real cozy at home. These are scary and weird times we’re in right now, so I think it’s so important to try and focus on the things we DO have control over and do what we can for ourselves to stay sane and healthy as we continue to stay indoors/ isolated. Light a candle, drink some tea, curl up in a blanket, and read a book or journal. I don’t know about you but my thoughts are nonstop daily, so finding that time to either dump my thoughts via journaling or to really pause and relax is game-changing. I hope these cozy-inspired picks help ground you and give you something small to look forward to. And yes, our blogging sidekick/ guru Nicole searched for ‘chic puzzles’ just for you (LOL!) Enjoy!

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