Warm & Neutral: A Color Story

Another week down in quarantine. How’s everyone doin’? I’m *hoping* amidst the madness, everyone is finding some slice of solace and silver linings with this extra time at home. This week I’ve set the intention of really honing in on what soothes me, continuing to try and let go of what my day ‘should’ look like and in turn focus less on control - since we can’t really have much of that right now! Keeping my home tidy, lighting a candle, streaming online workout classes, getting outside and walking the fur babies/ getting some fresh air, and writing what I’m grateful for are a few of my favorite things to ground me - I encourage you to do the same thing this week and find what it is that soothes you. Enough blabbing for me - we’re keeping it light on the blog this week and sharing a color story focused on warm, soothing neutrals and tones. And linking to some beautiful goodies for you of course. Enjoy!

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