Summer Solstice Ft. Astrologer Janet Carrol


Better late than never, right? The Summer Solstice is a big deal around here (cough cough, Solstice Interiors) and while this meaning might not have been present as this business name was adopted, I love that I’ve been able to assign and connect a whole new meaning to ‘Solstice Interiors’. Long story short, we’re hear to spread light in the world - whether we work with you on your interior space, make you giggle via our IG stories and posts, or meet you and get to spread some light in some way - we’ve got you!

This week on the blog we’ve got Janet Carrol (our go-to astrologer, lucky us!) shining some light on the Summer Solstice, what’s going on in the astros, and some areas of life to examine and question during this time. We wrap up with a little inspiration at the end giving you all the summer vibes and some wise words we’re feeling right now. Enjoy!

“The Summer Solstice falls at 2:43 pm on June 20th PDT (5:43 pm EDT) at a pivotal degree of the zodiac: 0* Cancer. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere but the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.

How can we see the signs of the Summer Solstice in our lives? By looking out at the early dawns that begin our elongated summer days. Another indication of the Summer Solstice is how high the Sun climbs to reach its most northerly point in the sky at this time of the year. Finally, the days surrounding the Summer Solstice will end with the longest sunsets of the year.  

"This year’s solstice is followed, almost immediately, by a solar eclipse at 11:41 pm PDT on June 20th (2:41 am EDT, June 21st). This is what needs tending right now. Our global community has had some big changes while a large segment has had permanent changes including businesses and industries. What was important 3-4 months ago may have taken a back seat as we head in a direction that we still cannot see. Patience, an archetype of the crab in Cancer, the zodiacal sign of the Summer Solstice, is what we can all give each other at this time. That and developing our own inner sanctuaries. 

The constellation of Cancer is the crab who carries his or her home, a hard shell, on its back. What does Cancer represent? Protection. Home. Inner sanctuary. Comfort. Family. Cooking. Domesticity. Needs. Habits. Emotions. Memories. Motherhood. Nurturing and being nurtured. Nourishment. Reflective like water. And our homeland. All of these play a role in the vulnerability of what it means to be human and, thus, what security and protection mean to each of us. Zero degrees of Cancer is a degree of initiation. What are you looking to initiate in these areas?

Happy Summer Solstice and ‘Happy Birthday’ to those born in the zodiacal sign of Cancer!"

Janet Carrol, MA:
Native Californian, 32 year resident of Carlsbad/ Rancho Santa Fe, now residing in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can reach Janet at