Black Business Owners & Makers

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We took a little hiatus from the blog over the past few weeks to focus on what matters most right now - change. It’s been a heavy few weeks with all that’s going on in the world, and we’ve been focusing on pausing, being quiet, listening, learning, educating, and preparing for a long road ahead of committing to change. We want to be a part of this movement in every small and big way we can - and will be continuing to spread awareness through our social media platforms, reading books on anti-racism and the history of racial injustices, donating, listening, having hard conversations, and all of the above. For starters as a business we’ll be incorporating monthly blogs highlighting Black owned business owners and makers - starting with that today. In addition we’re linking to some of the amazing resources we’ve digested so far here:

Podcast: Brene Brown x Ibram Kendi on How to Be An Antiracist & 1619 a Podcast From The New York Times

Books: White Fragility by Robin Diangelo & The New Jim Crow by Michael Alexander (look for local/ black-owned bookstores!)

Donate: Campaign Zero

Lastly, feast your eyes on some goodies below by some extremely talented Black-owned businesses & makers. I know I need to take a deep hard look at where I order decor, furnishings, and lighting from for both myself and clients and look forward to consciously supporting Black owned makers and businesses moving forward - and I hope this inspires you to do the same. Enjoy!
