Astrologer Janet Carrol, the Autumn Equinox, & Finding Inner Calmness

Hello Fall!

We are SO excited to have Janet Carrol back on the blog today to shed some light on the autumn equinox, whats going on in the skies, and some valuable wisdom to take into account/ get inspired by in the coming months. While this year has been a series of twists and turns - we really wanted to keep it light, focus on what’s in our control, and highlight the importance of finding inner calmness in a world full of outer chaos! After our input from Janet, we put together a little mood board centered around that inner calmness and bringing that into your life - whether it be through a daily ritual (burning incense, journaling, drinking lemon water) or creating a cozy nook to sit and breathe within your space - we have options people! Create your own self-care tool box for the months to come (and really for the future in general) and know you always have that to go back to. Alright, now to the wonderful & brilliant human we get the pleasure of chatting to throughout the year - Janet Carrol!

Astrologer Janet Carrol on the Autumn Equinox

“Once again we’re ushering in a new season! This though is a time of the year when day and night are nearly equal again, a reminder here in the Northern Hemisphere that we’re in a seasonal transition because Daylight Savings Time is nearing its end. The autumn, or fall, equinox marks our increased chances to see some spectacular sunsets and stunning color changes as leaves fall from the trees. This time of year promises us some forthcoming crisp air, cooler evenings, opportunities to sit around a fire pit, seasonal candles, pumpkin spices and all things that warm us up. In some ways we’re grateful for this shift knowing 2020 is nearing an end! ‘The pandemic’ has changed a lot of what our fall rituals are whether it’s about back-to-school, fall sports or Halloween. This is a good time to realize we aren't 'going back' to what was for awhile ... A way different fall than any fall to date in our lives. We're moving from the fire of spring and the heat of summer into a period of shedding (like the dogs with the changing seasons!). 

The autumn equinox is on September 22nd at 6:31 am PDT (9:31 am EDT) when the sun enters zero degrees Libra. Libra as a constellation is the scales of balance and the only object in the sky as it isn’t an animal or human like the other constellations. Libra is cool in a ‘steel’ like way, for instance like the scales of justice. Libra is about bringing two things or people together, opposing the one to the other and ‘weighing them in the balance’. It’s simply weighing the pros and cons seeking to have equilibrium. Libra is about having balance, harmony, inner calmness and being able to re-focus.

This fall is likely, or in reality is promising, to be quite a memorable period of 2020. Hopefully, we can find inner calmness within ourselves, our relationships, our homes, and within our communities in the days and month ahead. Happy autumn equinox to you and yours!”

For more information on the Autumn Equinox for yourself or your family: 

All you need to know: September equinox:

Autumnal Equinox 2020: The First Day of Fall, Facts and Folklore:,we%20mark%20the%20approaching%20equinox.

Janet Carrol, MA:
Native Californian, 32 year resident of Carlsbad/ Rancho Santa Fe, now residing in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can reach Janet at

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