Ready, Set, Get Comfy! Lounge Chair Roundup

Hello party people!

This year we really have our eyes on the prize - HOW cozy can we get at home? Anyone else with us? From not wearing jeans as much as possible, to curling up on the couch and working in our pj’s - this year has really been full of setting up ourselves up at home in a new way. Majority of us are spending A LOT more time at home (whether to our dismay or not, ha!) and while all of the madness going on in the world might be out of our control - why not focus on what we DO have control over? Like creating a safe place - within ourselves and within our homes. Which brings us here - we’re rounding up some of our all-time favorite lounge chairs of the moment in a mix of price ranges so you can spice up that corner of your bedroom, your office, your living room - you name it! - with a little cloud puff to get cozy in after a long day. If we all just chilled out, sat in a cozy chair, and breathed for five minutes we’d all be much happier humans. So get to it - enjoy!

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