Meet Chelsea Luther of thank you, Gratitude

Hello folks, and welcome to our second blog of the year. 2021 is really comin’ in hot, and I just want to acknowledge anyone feeling grief, exhaustion, frustration - all the things - after the horrendous events of last week. We’re here to be a light and this feature today couldn’t be more needed - I am really excited, for many reasons, to chat a bit with Chelsea Luther of thank you, Gratitude. Chelsea is one of my dear friends and recently launched a business centered around… GRATITUDE. We could all use some of that right about now. I’ll let Chelsea do the talking on this matter, but be sure to read to the end and download our FREE monthly intention-tracker. We’re chatting with Chelsea about her background and venture into this new business, her take on gratitude, and some tips for a better year ahead. Be sure to follow thank you, Gratitude and head to her website for more info on her offerings. Let’s jump into this Q&A!

A Q & A with Chelsea Luther of thank you, Gratitude…

Tell us a bit about why you love me... I mean tell us a bit about yourself and your journey to launching thank you, Gratitude.

Brevity is not my strong I’ll spare everyone from the long list of reasons I am KatieGeb-obsessed!

Hi, I’m Chelsea! I am a twenty-something who loves to travel, eat great food and share a good laugh.

My Gratitude journey started 15 years ago when I read a book that told me my thoughts created my reality. I was confused...but intrigued. So I tumbled down a self-help rabbit hole, and as I researched, it became clear to me that Gratitude was the key to it all. It was the one common thread that wove through everything I was learning.

The more I learned to live with Gratitude, the easier it was for me to create the life of my dreams. And that excited me! I knew I had to share this magic with others. 


What inspired you to start this business focused around gratitude?

I was the Sales Training Manager at a fast-paced tech company in Manhattan. Each month, my job was to train a new group of people to make 150 cold calls and 1 sale every day. At the end of the month they either hit their goal and moved forward...or got fired. It was cut throat, to say the least.

In that role, I found myself talking much less about cold call tonality and assuming the sale and much more about Gratitude, mindset shifts and the power of positivity. Not only did I get great feedback from my employees, but I had a darn good track record of moving them through to the next round. I thought: “hmmm...this Gratitude stuff works, doesn’t it?” Not to mention...I LIT UP when I talked about it. Once that all clicked, I knew it’d be my business one day.


Since you're the gratitude expert, tell us WHY gratitude is so important in a few sentences

Gratitude is the most powerful tool you have to transform your life. When you express and receive Gratitude, your brain releases dopamine and serotonin. These are the two neurotransmitters that emit happy emotions! By consciously practicing Gratitude everyday, you strengthen these neural pathways. In other words, you permanently create a more positive, happy nature within yourself. 


Who or what are some of your go-to sources of inspiration?

The most influential book I read this year was Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks. If you have heard of the Law of Attraction, this book does a fantastic job of explaining how it works. I am also a huge fan of Shawn Achor, I call him my “Gratitude Guru.” My favorite book of his is The Happiness Advantage.


- What different services do you offer?

I offer 1x1 coaching which is my absolute favorite! I love working directly with people and tailoring my approach to their growth journey. 

For those who prefer a more hands-off approach, I have two video programs - Guided Gratitude and Rewrite Your Life. Guided Gratitude is a 21 day series that teaches you how to consciously create the life of your dreams. We infuse Gratitude into your daily routine, making it a lasting, life-changing habit. Rewrite Your Life is a mini-training. It covers my step-by-step process to uncover any limiting beliefs that are holding you back and replace them with new beliefs that will serve and support you in living your dream life. 

I also have a free newsletter! Every Tuesday morning, I send out a trick to infuse your life with Gratitude. Utilizing these free tips alone have the power to change your life!


What words of encouragement would you offer up to someone wanting to start a new business in 2021?

You’ll never be ready. Just start! Set one business-related intention every single day. It can be as small as spending 15 minutes researching a competitor. Getting into the habit of completing one business task daily will help you build confidence and momentum.

PS: Don’t forget to be PROUD of yourself along the way!

Any wise words for those of us who've had a rough 2020 and have a hard time being grateful all the time? Asking for a friend…

Repeat after me: “All of my feelings are natural, temporary and safe to experience.”


If you had to give us ONE tip to infuse gratitude into our daily lives what would it be?

Begin your day with Gratitude. Write out (at least) three reasons you are Grateful each morning, looking for new reasons each day. 

Unfortunately, your brain is programmed to scan for things that annoy or frustrate you. But if you begin each day scanning for things that make you feel Grateful, you will eventually reprogram your brain to do this subconsciously throughout the day. In other words, you won’t even notice those little things that annoy you! You’ll naturally become a more positive, happy human. Yes please!


Tell our readers where they can stalk/ find you!
YAY! My website is Head on over and subscribe to my newsletter. My Instagram is @ty.Gratitude - please, please stalk away. But also...introduce yourself! :)

I hope this Q&A inspires you to up your gratitude game, and to start to notice where you could infuse a little gratitude into each day.

I’m personally still gathering my thoughts from 2020, but always like to set intentions for the new year. Key words - intentions. I’m all for flexibility and honoring where I’m at day-to-day and think its so important to of course hold yourself accountable to what you know is best for you, but also check in and see what changes might best serve you. With that being said, we created this FREE monthly intention tracker for you to download and fill in throughout the year. Click here to download and get after it. Here’s to a happy, abundant, healthy 2021.
