Spring Equinox Ft. Astrologer Janet Carrol

Hello & happy Spring Equinox people!

We’re back on the blog this week just in time for the Spring Equinox with our go-to astrologer, Janet Carrol, chatting about how we can press the reset button, check in with ourselves, and infuse this fresh energy into our lives. I don’t know about you but I was most definitely spring cleaning today - giving my house the TLC it deserves and in turn myself! When my house is sparkly clean, my office is tidy and samples are put away from the weeks meetings, I already energetically feel a difference in what I’m allowing in. It’s a domino effect into going on a walk, carving out time for a mindful meal, and allowing space to tackle what I need to next. Janet’s words really hit home on this one and was the exact very gentle nudge needed to press the reset button and check back in with intentions and what I want to prioritize next. We are always evolving and our needs and priorities are ever-changing, and I can’t help but think about the ‘resolutions’ people set for themselves that end up feeling like a nagging obligation vs. tuning into what you need each and every day. I hope these words inspire you as much as they did me. Go on a walk tomorrow! Smell the damn roses! Tidy up your home! Spring is here and it’s time to start anew yet again.

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“In the northern hemisphere we’re in the final stretch of winter about to step into the first day of spring also known as the Spring (or Vernal) Equinox on Saturday, March 20th at 2:37 am PDT/5:37 am EDT (astronomy essentials for Spring 2021). Currently, many are feeling physically, mentally and perhaps emotionally drained. On the 20th, a day in which day and night are harmoniously aligned, we have an opportunity to ‘refresh’ our lives of all that’s piled up this last year, and especially more so due to how we’ve had to shift to accommodate a worldwide ‘pandemic’ and all that this has entailed. After this last year we can now begin to shift to make space for what’s next. We’re all sensing some change ahead in one way or another.

From an astrological perspective, the Spring Equinox is when the sun ingressus (Latin for ‘enters’) into Aries which is the start of the astrological new year. It’s a theme of shedding and rebirth. As our days begin to get longer, the Spring Equinox is all about fire energy with ‘the light’ triumphing. This is the time to welcome shifts and changes by finding inner strength and being open to new energies because we get to wipe the slate clean and begin anew. This Saturday is a good time to journal or put a vision board together because the energies are ripe for intention setting. What gets your creative juices flowing? What’s something ‘new’ that creates a ‘spark’ within? What values are you hoping to align yourself with? What desires are you following? It’s time to look at how to move forward with your goals, projects and dreams. This is a great time to push past limitations and fears - but by first looking at them.

How could we best utilize this fiery energy in the home? Start with spring cleaning and clearing to make space for what’s next - make the space to invite in the new. It’s also a good time to clean our cupboards and pantries so we can reassess the foods we eat: do they enhance or impede our physical energies? 

Additionally, for 2021’s Spring Equinox, we don’t have any retrograde planets which is another indication that it’s time to leap forward and look at our goals for the next ninety days leading up to the Summer Solstice. Happy Spring Equinox, and the happiest of birthdays to the Aries’, Taurus’ and Geminis!” 

Janet Carrol, MA:

Native Californian, 32 year resident of Carlsbad/Rancho Santa Fe, now residing in St. Petersburg, Florida. You can follow Janet at @thecelestialspheres @janetcarrol or reach her at janetcarrol@gmail.com

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