Say Hello to The Weekly Mix

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Holy cow has this year been a heavy one. The last six weeks have entailed a whole lot of learning, unlearning, reading, and listening. While I educate myself and continue my involvement in this revolution personally, I wanted to find a way to bring a slice of this to my business. Say hello to The Weekly Mix - I am SO excited to kick this off. To continue our support, education, and allyship with BIPOC we will be highlighting the following on our IG weekly:

  1. LISTEN: A podcast

  2. WATCH: A movie, documentary, show, a video/ interview

  3. READ: A book, an article, an IG post caption

  4. DONATE: An organization, person, or place

  5. FOLLOW: An artist, a business, a company, an activist, an author - the list goes on here - any human shedding light on what’s going on, how we can help, and dropping some knowledge

  6. SHOP: Any BIPOC-owned businesses/ makers/ artists

  7. JAM: A song of the week (this might just be my favorite one!)

    We will be sharing this mix of sources, people, music, reads, and more every week on IG. Each month, we’ll round up all of those recommendations on the blog so everything is accessible in one place each month. All I hope for in this is for others to discover ONE new thing each week - whether it be a person to follow, a brand, a new song - anything that will continue to inspire you to learn more while supporting BIPOC.

    Here’s to continued learning, listening, reading, and supporting those that need it most.

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  1. LISTEN: “What’s in A Karen?” Code Switch by NPR

  2. WATCH: 13TH on Netflix

  3. READ: White Fragility (link takes you to a Black-owned bookstore out of LA to purchase from) and while there is some controversy over this book as its written by a white woman, I just finished it myself and think it is HUGE in setting the stage and a solid foundation for white people to understand the deep, both conscious and subconscious levels of racism, myths surrounding racism (such as reverse racism) and more.

  4. DONATE: Black Visions Collective

  5. FOLLOW: Sophia Roe

  6. SHOP: Come Back As A Flower