Meet Jordan Pate of High Desert Studio

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You’re in for a real treat this week.. get ready to meet one talented human, Jordan Pate of High Desert Studio. I came across Jordan’s work on insta recently and it was love at first sight. I’m a sucker for muted, neutral, earthy palettes and these pieces are just that - plus a breath of fresh air, plus the warmth of a fire on a cold night, plus what I imagine sitting on a cloud would feel like. Can you tell how in love I am?

We had the pleasure of asking Jordan a few questions to get to know her, what inspires her and her work, and what’s next for High Desert Studio. Full interview below - enjoy!

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1. Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

My name is Jordan. I’m an artist and interior designer currently living and working in Orange County, Ca. I have a frenchie named Papo and I take my morning coffee unsweetened with a dash of oatmilk. 

2. What are you inspired by in your work?I’m inspired by muted colors, organic textures, desert sunrises, moonlit beaches, dried foliage, the feeling of contentment, architecture, conscious movement, tumbled limestone, olive trees, morning bird songs and so much more. 

3. What fuels you & your drive to create?I think my drive to create comes from a need to express myself in a way where I don’t need to use words for fear of being misunderstood. 

4. Did you always know you were creative, or did this passion come to you a little later in life?I believe I’ve always been creative, however, my older sister is someone that nurtured my creativity from a young age. (She is also an artist and an amazing writer.) Growing up she was always writing a fantasy novel, drawing in her sketchbook or teaching herself how to play piano. I believe that her willingness to freely express herself through various mediums influenced me to do the same.  

5. What's the origin story behind your company name?In my early twenties I left everything I knew behind and moved to the desert. During that time I reconnected with my creative nature through a love for music, dance & yoga. Through those movement practices I began to become more self aware, and through that self awareness I began to express myself through photography, writing and eventually painting. I draw a lot of inspiration from the desert and from my time living there, which is why I decided to name my business High Desert Studio. 

6. What do you enjoy most about being an artist?There are so many things..I love how being an artist has essentially made me more sensitive to seeing beauty in the most mundane things. Seemingly “normal” moments or observations often-times move me so deeply I have no choice but to create. 

7. Any advice to someone looking to venture out into something creative? Yes. My advice would be to be patient with your craft.  

8. Just to acknowledge the difference in pace of life these last few months -  what is a quarantine routine keeping you grounded? As strange as it may seem, quarantine has made me feel more grounded than I have in months. I think it’s given me an opportunity to slow down and acknowledge what is truly important to me. It’s also made me realize how many things we can often take for granted in the hustle and bustle of daily life. That being said, so much is unknown right now for so many and it can be easy to slip into anxious thoughts. Especially with everything that’s being brought to the surface in society. When I start feeling the anxiety kick in I like to turn my phone on airplane mode, water my plants, stretch and lay in the sun. Anything that brings me back into my body helps to ground me. 

9. Who are three other artists you admire? Right now I really admire the work of painter Inés Longevial, photographer Deun Ivory & ceramic artist Yoon Young Hur. 

10. What's next for High Desert Studio?I’m currently working on my next collection which I hope to release in early fall. This collection will include some new works on linen which I’m very excited to share. Other than that, we will see how life unfolds...I love staying open and available to let life happen to me moment by moment ♡

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